Tips To Avoid 10 Common Mistakes Affiliate Marketers Make [ClickBank Tips]

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10 Common Mistakes ClickBank Affiliates Make

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It doesn’t matter whether you’re a new affiliate or an experienced one – sooner or later you’ll make mistakes. The key is to learn from them. In this article, you’ll discover several common mistakes beginner ClickBank affiliates make.

Steer clear of them and you’ll save time and energy in the process, and speed up your learning curve. Like Sam Levenson said, “Learn from other people's mistakes. Life is too short to make them all yourself.”

  1. Direct linking to the sales page

This is the most common mistake of the lot. Beginner marketers are usually hesitant to start a blog and build a list. It just seems like too much work. They just want to create a few videos or make a couple of posts in Facebook groups with their affiliate links which point directly to the sales page.

While they may garner a couple of sales from these half-hearted attempts, they’ll be leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s always best to direct visitors to a landing page to collect their email addresses first so that you can remarket to them later.

  1. Promoting unethical products

The ClickBank marketplace has thousands of products and occasionally, unethical products do slip through and even become top sellers. Products claiming to increase your height even when you’re an adult or infoproducts that promise to cure diabetes are just capitalizing on people’s desperation.

Sooner or later, people will realize that these products are scams and report them to ClickBank and the product will be removed from the marketplace. If you’re promoting such products, your income will dry up overnight.

It’s best to stick to proven and ethical products which will stand the test of time.

  1. Not thinking big

As strange as it sounds, promoting a product with a $10 commission requires the same amount of work as promoting a product with a $500 commission. Many beginners feel like it’ll be easier to make the lower priced sale, and that’s true, but all you need is one sale from the higher ticket product and it’ll be similar to getting 50 sales of the lower priced product.

So, think big and promote products that pay you hefty commissions. After all, if your goal is to make an attractive income with ClickBank, it helps to promote products that pay attractive commissions.

  1. Not building a list

Pretty straightforward. Always have links pointing to a landing page on your site where you’ll give away a freebie in exchange for the visitor’s email. This will allow you to build a list where you can remarket the ClickBank product you’re promoting.

  1. Not pre-selling

The vendor’s job is to sell the product. Most of the top ClickBank vendors spend most of their time split testing their sales pages and copy to constantly improve their conversions. That’s what they do.

What you need to do is deliver value to your audience and casually mention how using the product helped you. You should avoid being salesy or hype the product ridiculously. So many affiliates make this mistake and turn-off their readers.

Your mention of the product should always seem like an afterthought. Let your reader’s curiosity get them to the sales page – where the vendor sells to them. 

Pre-sell the products by giving information that’s of value and gently slanting your content to favor the product – without being obvious about it.

  1. Not learning traffic generation

To succeed as a ClickBank affiliate, you must learn how to drive traffic to your web properties. Thousands of newbies get stuck here because they just don’t know how to go about it.

The key is to just pick one method and focus on it. It could be paid ads or you could go the organic route and use Pinterest or Facebook groups or other methods. What matters here is that you keep at it until you see results.

There’s always a learning curve and it will take time to get followers/subscribers. However, you’ll slowly and surely build a following and that’s when your efforts will snowball and sales will start rolling in. Focus and time are your best friends here.

  1. Not doing sufficient research

You must have a thorough understanding of the product you’re promoting. Either you get a review copy from the vendor or you purchase the product. Then study the pros and cons of the product so that you can pre-sell it better than most other affiliates who won’t go this extra mile.

A shallow understanding of the product will translate to shallow promotional efforts which result in abysmal or no sales. 

  1. Not tracking your links

ClickBank provides you the option of tracking your links so that you know which of your marketing efforts are yielding fruit. Use their tracking feature to narrow down what’s working in your marketing.

Like the 80/20 rule states, most of your results will come from 20 percent of your actions. Tracking your affiliate links will help you to identify which of your methods is working best and you can focus and scale them to get more profit.

  1. Picking the wrong product

All your efforts will be in vain if you pick the wrong product to promote. The product should have a great sales page with high conversions. The copy should be good, the sales page should look professional and there should be no leaks where the vendor has pop ups, etc. and is trying to build a list at the affiliates’ expense.

Look for products which have an affiliates’ tools page. This is a sign that the vendor cares enough about his/her affiliates to want to make their promotions easier. It’s also a sign that you’re looking at a better product.

  1. Not branding yourself

You should brand yourself and your blog so that your readers and audience look at you as an authority in your niche. While you may be an affiliate for a product, that should not stop you from building your own brand.

Once you build trust and people like you, you’ll be able to promote several other products and even sell your own products if you choose to in future. Always remember the actor, Burt Lancaster’s quote – “Sell yourself first, if you want to sell anything.”

These 10 mistakes can take a severe toll on your affiliate marketing, if you let them. So, avoid making these mistakes and you’ll be ahead of most of the competition who are inadvertently committing them and struggling to make headway.

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