9 Quick Tips For Affiliate Marketers [ClickBank Marketing]

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9 Quick Tips for ClickBank Affiliates

Anyone who has been studying online marketing for a month or two would have heard about ClickBank. It’s one of the biggest ‘players’ in the scene and tons of ‘make money online’ courses recommend affiliate marketing with ClickBank as a solid way to generate an online income.

We’ve all seen ClickBank stats boldly displayed on sales pages (with the daily green and gray bars are in the 4 to 5 figure range). The successful affiliates are raking in the profits and the potential earnings one could make is enough to whet the appetites of most online marketers.

And yet… most marketers struggle to make money with ClickBank. It’s almost as if there’s some hidden code they can’t decipher. The truth of the matter is that all successful ClickBank affiliates abide by a few principles.

Below you’ll find a list of quick tips in no particular order. Adopt them and apply them assiduously and you’ll see success as a ClickBank affiliate in time to come.

  1. Start a blog.

It may seem like you’re delaying your progress by setting up a blog rather than direct linking to the product’s sales page. Do remember that a tiger crouches before it leaps. 

You building the blog is like crouching… before you leap to affiliate marketing success.

This brings us to the next point…

  1. Build a list.

Once the skeleton of your blog is ready, use a page builder like Thrive Architect or Optimize Press or Elementor to create a landing page where you’ll give away a freebie in exchange for an email address.

Point links from your social media properties (or anywhere else you have content) to your landing page. Over time, you’ll build a list of people interested in the topic. You MUST have an audience to market the ClickBank product to… repeatedly.

You’d be surprised to know that most people require multiple exposures to the same product before they whip out their credit card.

But before you can sell them…

  1. You need to deliver value.

Trying to sell before delivering trust is akin to putting the cart before the horse. Most beginners fail at ClickBank affiliate marketing simply because this is not a method for beginners who wish to rush the process.

You’ll need to post informational content on your blog and deliver value FIRST. Like Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

And what other people want is useful information that will help them. Your blog will provide them with answers… but NOT ALL the answers. You don’t want to give away the farm. 

Give them enough to help them a little and then point them to the affiliate product which will give them the complete solution and save them time and effort (not having to research and read countless posts) in the process.

You should always be pre-selling the product without appearing salesy. The best way to do this is to wrap the pre-selling with valuable content.

  1. Your landing page must be congruent.

Use similar colors and fonts in your landing page as you’d find on the sales page of the product you’re promoting. Even the freebie you give away should bear similar branding. So, when designing the ecover or product mock up, bear this in mind.

The goal is congruence so that all your promotional efforts seem related to the end-product you’re trying to sell.

  1. Improve the conversions of your landing page.

Keep split testing your landing page so that you have the highest possible conversions possible. This is a never-ending process.

Once you’ve determined that your landing page is a winner, you can run paid ads to it. While running ads, you should split test too. Always scale up ONLY when you have proof that your landing page converts well. This will save you money.

  1. Have an email sequence. 

You should have a list of emails loaded into your autoresponder so that one goes out daily for the first 5 days… followed by one every two days or so.

In the first few emails, your goal will be to deliver value and identify with the subscriber. It’s best to create a customer avatar so that you know how to write in a way that agrees with what the reader is thinking. 

You must speak their language and address their pressing needs without them saying a word. By displaying empathy and ‘insider knowledge’, you’ll build trust with your list and this will lead to more sales in future.

  1. Traffic generation is a must-have skill.

There’s no escaping this. To succeed as an affiliate, you must know how to drive targeted traffic to your blog/landing page/offer.

Pick any one method of traffic generation that’s proven to work, and focus on it. Pinterest, Facebook groups, Instagram, SEO, etc. are all valid and effective traffic methods. You just need to get good at one.

As you get better, you’ll need to learn paid advertising too. Nothing allows you to scale up your profits and get faster feedback than paid ads. These days, social media platforms are making moves that limit organic reach just so that people ‘pay to play’. Learning paid traffic is becoming more important than ever before.

  1. Choose the right product.

Pick a product from the ClickBank marketplace that converts well, has relatively attractive commissions (a recurring sale, if possible). Check if the vendor provides affiliate tools to help you. That’s a good sign.

Look at the refund rate to make sure it’s low. Ask yourself if the product is ethical. You may wish to ask for a review copy of the product or just buy it yourself so that you can have a deeper understanding of what the product is about. 

Check if the vendor provides a discount link or a coupon. This can make your promotions much more effective. If the vendor does not have one, you could try asking for one. It doesn’t hurt to try… and if you don’t ask, the answer is always no.

  1. Track your links.

This is obvious. Don’t promote blindly. Tracking your links will allow you to know which of your marketing efforts are yielding fruit and which ones are falling on stony ground.

By focusing only on what works, you’ll be able to streamline your efforts and scale up more efficiently.

These 9 ‘quick’ tips are only quick when reading them in this article. Applying them will take you time and it’s a lot of work. Nevertheless, this is what the goal demands of you. Don’t decrease the goal. Increase the effort.

If you want the prize, you must pay the price and do the necessary work. Once your foundation is in place and you gain momentum, your marketing efforts will snowball and your affiliate commissions will soar – and it will be all worth it. 

Going the extra mile will put you ahead of the competition and make you a serious player in this business.

#AffiliateMarketing #LaptopLifesyle #ClickBank #Success #MakeMoneyOnline

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Next article;

Affiliate Marketing: How To Earn An Income Online (Read)

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