Pick The Right Niche For Your Affiliate Sale


 How to Make Some Good Side Money with Content Marketing

One of the best ways you can leverage the financial power of content creation is in  advertising and landing pages that market something you offer. 

It’s about creating content for a good or service offered by other people and then sitting back while readers click on affiliate links and advertising offered through ads purchased from search engines and platforms.
Although a little complicated for newbies, with practice, a smart publisher can find the right places to get their niche offers in front the right people. A well constructed advertisement will  get the attention of interested consumers and get sales quickly.
Pick a niche that you know something about so it will be easier for you to promote that product. Also, when you are familiar and interested about the topic it will be easier to come up with ideas about how to reach the consumer.

That said, here are a few of the most lucrative topics to write about—and approximately how much some companies will pay an affiliate per user click.

Insurance: $57 CPC. Insurance is the statistically the most lucrative. Car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, business insurance…everybody needs insurance for something. 

Gas & Electricity: $54 CPC. This topic is strangely also a gold mine. You could write reviews of different suppliers, and helpful articles on how to save on your bills. 

Mortgages: $47 CPC. A home is the largest purchase most people will ever make, so banks and lenders are willing to spend some big bucks to beat out the competition. 

Attorneys: $47. There are plenty of ambulance-chasers out there today, and lawyers are coming out of the woodwork left and right. Capitalize on the legal craze by writing articles about topics like hiring a lawyer, small claims court, etc.

Loans: $44 CPC. Whether it’s to pay off credit cards, to buy a car, or go to school, lots of people need loans. Write articles about this topic and perhaps direct people toward their options.

Donations: $42 CPC. From starving kids in Africa to a local recreation center, there are plenty of causes that need fundraising, and fundraisers shell out the bucks to advertise. Write articles about this topic, such as the power of giving.

Conference Call: $42 CPC. This is something that all businesses need, and if you know anything about business expenditures, you know that companies toss money around more frequently than private individuals. Review different systems and write articles about phone etiquette.

Degree: $40 CPC. Everybody (and their grandmother) is going back to school these days, and usually online. Capitalize on education and write some degree-related blogs. 

Credit: $38 CPC. Americans (and increasingly everyone else) love spending with plastic. Write reviews of the best cards, or articles on how to build credit.
These are only a few of the many kinds of offers available to an affiliate to promote. 
Higher earnings may sometimes mean more work and advertising expense. Often, competition is tough and a good publisher needs to be creative when writing ads and content.
Careful planning and experience will be an affiliate marketer's best friend.
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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by an affiliate sales marketer. At this website, there are highlighted products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, a portion of the revenue may be paid to an affiliate at no extra cost to you.  A small portion of that will be donated to charity. 

The opinions represented here are of the blogger, guest bloggers, and affiliates. The content of this website is not maintained or owned by any company described here. 

Any information provided here is meant to be accurate and true, however, it is the responsibility of the reader to consider their own interpretation of the facts before acting on any information.

Ultimately you are responsible for your own personal finances and should act accordingly.

This website and any information presented here is intended for adults of legal age or individuals of at least 18 years old. 

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